Walking down the memory lane of our daily routine, one might find that the maximum products utilized have the usage of plastic in almost every daily chore that we do. Be it the packaged product or using bin bags in your kitchen, avoiding plastic has not only become difficult but also almost irreplaceable. In such a scenario, it has become important to be sensitive to the drastic results of such usage.

Knowing the upheaval of the environment caused by the transition of the Covid pandemic, the world has realized that, eco-friendly products can culminate many traumatic disasters that humankind has been facing gradually. Understanding such discrepancies, many businesses and NGO forums are looking out for new ways of reducing pla-stic usage. But, is it just the production that holds the responsibility of being sensitive towards the environment?

The probable answer to such an intriguing question would be No, it’s a collective responsibility and the use of Reusable Products and E – waste management can be the roadmap.

Still, we – as a social community failed to curb the disasters anyway.

Understanding the importance of an environment-sensitive mindset, this blog has everything that one needs to know about plastic’s degrading effect and the 3R’s that can save our earth from getting degraded by pla-stic usage

The degrading effect of Plastic.

Be it in any industry, any profession, or any business, everyone has been collectively increasing the production and utility of plastic.

For an instance, being at a restaurant for a takeaway, the utility of plastic has not been completely stopped. Once we discard the plastic used and do not take care of its suggested discarding regulations, we cast ourselves as the causing factor of environmental degradation.

Moreover, the electronic industry has a high use of plastic products , be it the electric wires used, carry bags for supply, phones and batteries, everywhere plastic has been transported used and unwisely discarded.

Feeling fatalistic after such a vast spread of plastic usage is natural but for this man-made crisis, the go-to strategy is to segregate the waste and treat plastic products rather than simply discarding them. For such initiatives, many public and corporate groups have been focusing on E-waste management and reducing plastic usage and limiting its production rather than just recycling the plastic products.

So how can we reduce plastic products?

Consider using paper bags as the market rule. Plas-tic utility restricts consumers from stepping into the market. This might feel haunting in the initial phase but as we start with the process, there will be multiple alternatives to access and the very known plastic will get side-lined.

If, such is the case, why the world has not been doing it?

Of course, the question is natural, and being a compliant citizen of the global universe can ponder us on the complication of industry reluctance but the key go-to strategy is to reinvent old sources and the ones that are eco-friendly.

Once industry starts utilizing the benefits of technology as it did with paper currency, plastic production will decrease effortlessly as the demand-supply game will transition towards eco-friendly products.

For the existing Plastic 

There are many companies that are becoming ecologically sensitive and scouting scientific inventions that can be utilized for reusing the plas-tic available rather than producing new ones. This has a multitude of benefits. First and foremost, this solves the ongoing demand-supply bubble and helps in reducing production. This also spreads out a social message about being sensitive to reusable products and increases public awareness.

Moving ahead, the reusable products have less carbon footprint than the ones produced right from the factory unit.

The reused can help in varied ways, be it a social message, or industry transformation, and can also take a gradual pause for the plas-tic industry.

Further, there are many plas-tic products like bags, tiffin, cups, and many more, that can be put into reuse domestically rather than just stalking more products of the same lethal chemical. While we are on a trip or beachside dinner, avoiding plas-tic usage can help with the aquatic life too.

The ball is in our court and not being focussed on the greater good will push us back to where our social evolution started from.

This environment day, lets pledge this earth a better place, for us and our future generation too!