“That’s exactly how it is in Yoga. The place where you have the most resistance are the places that are going to be the areas of the greatest liberation.” – Rodney Yee
American Yo-ga Instructor Rodney Yee rightly points out the benefits of Yoga. In this blog, we will try to understand the numerous benefits and how Yoga has become a need of the hour in this ever-evolving but rushed city life.
The Need For Yoga
A culture centered around capitalism has made employees focus more on their work and workplace. The high standards and regulations set by companies and corporations make it a norm to work every single day, putting in their 100%. This has hugely benefited the industry and also made everyone disciplined and inclined towards work.
The flipside to this is a lack of self-awareness of the underlining physical, mental health, and employee health issues these stringent schedules cause. Though the schedule is beneficial to employers and employees alike, employees can sometimes be hard on themselves without even realizing it. This has given rise to a number of employee health problems for many people at their workplace, which has a direct correlation with the habits they follow at work.
Giving rise to the question, is there a way to reverse these effects or help set in a healthy lifestyle to counter all problems? The answer to it is the ancient exercise and coordinated breathing form-Yoga.
Yoga is one of the ancient forms of exercising and breathing coordinated to form an art form. Recent studies have shown that Yoga is a perfect blend of body movements and lung movements, which include an all-round physical and mental activity.
To understand more, let us have a look at the history of Yoga and its significance in today’s world.
Into the Past
Yoga is a spiritual practice that incorporates physical and mental activities to help you find your center. These customs date back at least centuries, but they have survived various social changes and have transcended countries. Yoga is ingrained in modern life, and its numerous benefits are invaluable in dealing with the challenges of today’s world. In today’s world, moments of silence and awareness are much more welcomed and accepted.
They are needed to balance the fast-paced life driven by the working environment. Through the practice of Yoga, one can see benefits immediately because it’s an impulsive exercise form. It is vital in the modern world, especially with the added responsibilities and digital fatigue. Practicing Yo-ga may not abolish all the problems, but it is sure to make one’s mind clear to take on challenges gracefully.
Health benefits in Today’s World
Yoga is great for relaxation; several studies have now shown that Yoga can halt the secretion of cortisol. This hormone is one of the most important stress hormones and is principally responsible for the physical effects of stress and increase in immunity. This effect is amplified when you do Yo-ga for a long time.
According to studies focusing on three-month and ten-week periods, yoga exercises create a lasting influence in the fight against stress. Employees who practice regularly claim that they are calm in their daily lives.
Yoga, when combined with meditation, can help you relax and unwind from the continual stress of today’s world. Even a merely a short yo-ga program is practiced, it affects cortisol levels. It can impact your immunity and well-being long-term if you incorporate it into your weekly routine. There are many health benefits of Yo-ga if we practice it in the appropriate way.
It cannot be denied that modern lifestyle habits have fuelled various stressors and anxiety-inducing disorders. Cortisol is also involved in the negative consequences of anxiety on your health. Studies on the effects of Yo-ga on anxiety have demonstrated that regular practice improves the quality of life when combating these conditions.
Yoga emphasizes being totally present at the moment and fully aware of oneself while managing your breathing and heartbeat. This can aid with dissociative episodes. That may be why Yo-ga is a good practice to undertake if a person is feeling anxious.
Yoga also plays an important part in strength building. Yoga is divided into numerous styles that focus on different methodologies, although most of them include some form of strength training. In today’s world, building strength via Yo-ga is a crucial aspect of fitness and well-being. This activity not only improves body image but also teaches people to have a new perspective on workouts.
Yoga offers balanced training by building strength through flexibility rather than at its expense. It also aids with bone development. Yo-ga poses (also known as asanas) are used to build strength by placing oneself in them and holding them for several minutes before repeating them.
The Inner World and the Outer World
Practicing mindfulness is becoming more widely recognized in today’s era. This is the ability to be totally present at the moment, fully aware of both one’s body and mind as well as your surroundings. Yo-ga encourages a deeper awareness of your inner world so that you can better deal with the outside world.
This has become extremely important because one cannot be better at dealing with others if they don’t know what’s going on in mind. It is our duty to use Yo-ga to our benefit and derive the maximum out of it. This will help individuals, corporations, and the world collectively. Corporations have started incorporating Yo-ga into their exercise curriculum so that all reap the benefits of it.
Significance of Yoga Day
The International Day of Yo-ga this year holds even more significance now as the added normal life stress and problems have increased post the pandemic. Yo-ga is being practiced on a large scale since more and more people are gravitating toward its numerous benefits and effects. The day serves as a mark of respect for the patrons who have preserved this ancient art form- a way of living life, providing a sort of gift to humanity. It is up to us to use this craft for our well-being.
The good part about Yo-ga is that it serves the purpose of 2 things-healing growing. A person tired of their lifestyle can use Yoga to improve it the same way a person who wishes to elevate his lifestyle uses it as a catalyst. Let’s celebrate International Day of Yoga by taking a step forward towards achieving a healthy, wealthy, and mindful lifestyle- Yoga for one-Yoga for all.